How does the menstrual cycle affect weight loss?
Well, there are more factors at play when it comes to female weight loss outside of just eating less and moving more. It is now known that it takes women 33% longer than men to lose the same amount of weight. The menstrual cycle can have a major impact on someone's weight loss journey, and there are many reasons for this.

Firstly, as shown in the diagram above, during ovulation there is a spike in testosterone. This means that you are more likely to have better gym performances during this time. This is because testosterone can improve physical performance, endurance and muscle mass. However during the luteal phase, women may see a decrease in performance (may only be able to lift 60% of what they usually lift) and find that they are at higher risk of injury. Therefore, in regards to training, it is important to take into consideration the menstrual cycle as it may impact how you programme an individuals training so that it takes into account their physiology at specific times during their cycle.
Measuring weight loss
Many individuals will weigh themselves on a regular basis (e.g. week by week) and compare their weight each time to the previous time. However, when considering the effect someone's menstrual cycle may have on their weight loss journey, this may not be the best approach. Weighing yourself week on week and comparing those results may result in disappointment as you're technically measuring your body weight at different physiologies. A better approach is to weigh yourself and compare the results when your body will be at a similar physiology. For example, in a four week cycle you should compare your body weight at week 1 with your body weight at week 1 of the next cycle and so on (as seen below).

Lastly, it is also important to consider when is the best time to start a diet in relation to the menstrual cycle. During the luteal phase, it may be harder to stick to a diet. This is when you will burn around 100-300 calories more per day and thus need to take into consideration the changes in your metabolic rate. But you may also experience cravings that can lead to binging. Therefore, you may find that it is not wise to start a diet during this phase of your menstrual cycle, as you may just be setting yourself up for failure. Thus, starting a diet during the first half of your menstrual cycle may be the better option. Furthermore, if you struggle to stick to a strict diet during the second half of your cycle, then maybe only diet in the first half. Sticking to a diet half the time is better than not sticking to one at all.
JAMES SMITH, 2019. A perspective on Fat Loss [25/09/21]. Available from: A perspective on fat loss | James Smith | TEDxBundaberg - YouTube