Understanding the difference between feeling hungry and having cravings is important. So what is the difference?
Hunger is a physiological process where your body is telling you it needs food. For example, this can occur through stomach rumbling.
Hunger will usually go away after you have eaten and satisfied the need.
Craving on the other hand is psychological and often sudden. This is where your body craves a specific food to satisfy a specific want. Cravings can typically occur when you are:
• Bored
• Stressed
• Angry
• Anxious
Avoiding cravings
So how do we avoid cravings?
Here are some tips on how to avoid those cravings:
• Don’t go shopping when you are hungry!
• Distract yourself
• Get into a structured eating pattern - meal prepping/meal planning
• Don’t buy unhealthy food that may be in your house to tempt you